Renewable energy sources are known as the systems that will generate electricity from the resources that are replenished naturally. It is tough to imagine the better world without any renewable energy. Till now mankind has used all these methods that have damaged our environment that includes atmosphere. The fossil fuel & coal powered electricity both are two amazing examples of the harmful methods. Because of a fact that the sources can one day totally run-out and mass negative impact that they have on our environment, the green energy solution today have gained huge importance among the governments & individuals right now. There are some major kinds of the renewable energy systems, which are widely used for generating electricity. They’re; Hydro, Solar, Wind & geothermal solutions.

Solar energy systems:

The solar power is a widely available energy source in this world. The solar panels are been used to harness power of sun in the usable electricity. Right now, solar plants and solar farms can be seen in a lot of countries. The plants have several solar panels that are placed to produce mass electricity. Beauty of such technology is it is highly flexible. The solar cells will be found in the calculators & wrist watches.

Hydro energy systems:

The hydro energy systems are the technology, which uses flow of the water for generating electricity. It is the oldest types of the renewable energy, which exists even today. There are a few countries that are totally depended on the hydro energy for the electricity without any help of other types of electricity generation or getting carbon audit. Hydro electricity can be generated by capturing motion of the water by using the water turbines. This is considered efficient as it uses resource that covers over 75% of earth’s surface.

Renewable Energy Solutions

Wind energy:

Use of the wind turbines for harnessing power of the wind in electricity are well known as the wind energy solutions. The wind speeds determine the wind turbine’s ability of forming electricity. The wind turbines require maximum wind flow with no structural obstructions, for operating at the best. It is a reason why they’re generally placed in the remote areas & sea shores.

Geothermal energy:

Geothermal energy is produced by using the natural heat of the earth’s crust. Geothermal renewable energy solutions are primarily used for heating. Massive power stations are used to produce this type of energy and they are considered quite costly.

Besides global warming being the primary issue, scholars and scientists have predicted the energy crisis because of rapid rate where human population is expanding. Inventions & mass developments in the green energy solutions will be viable solution for overcoming such issues. The fast paced developments over the fields of the Information technology has highly contributed to ways where such technologies are developed today.